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Alma Laser Oakville

The Alma Harmony laser is a popular, non-invasive aesthetic treatment platform that offers a range of skin rejuvenation and hair removal treatments. It is FDA-cleared for over 130 indications, Alma Harmony revolutionizes the field to address multiple signs of aging across all skin types.
Features best-in-class technology from Q-switched and non-ablative fractional lasers to IPLs, a vascular diode and more. Treat over 130 indications across all Fitzpatrick skin types. Some of the treatments that can be performed using the Alma Harmony laser include:
Hair removal: Permanent reduction of unwanted hair on the face and body.
Skin rejuvenation: Improvement of fine lines, wrinkles, skin texture, minimize pores
Pigmentation removal: Reduction of age spots, sun spots, and hyperpigmentation.
Acne treatment: Improvement of acne-prone skin and reduction of acne scars.
Vascular treatments: Reduction of broken capillaries, spider veins, and rosacea.
Tattoo removal

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